Pietsch Banjo Company

Jackie Lynn MacCoy

Jackie Lynn MacCoy Banjo Lady My name is Jackie Lynn MacCoy.

I am a professional banjo player and entertainer in the United States (Cincinnati, Ohio).I began playing the banjo when I was 7 years old. My father was a wonderful player and friend of the great Banjo King, Eddie Peabody ! I truly believe I have the greatest job in the world. Fellow banjo players know the joy that playing this unique instrument can bring.
In 2005, I had the pleasure of purchasing my Mastervox plectrum banjo, made by Norbert Pietsch of Bremen, Germany.  The original owner was the talented banjo virtuoso, Sean Moyses. I am proud to play this beautiful Mastervox !
People "ooh and aaahhh" when they see it for the first time !!I love the sound and tone, the playability, and the tremendous musicality of this banjo.  When you play as much as I do, your instrument is almost likea "part" of you---   you become as "one". Norbert Pietsch is not only a GENIUS banjo-maker, but a dear friend as well.  I highly recommend this banjo to anyone....whether you play for pay, or for pure fun and enjoyment !

Jackie Lynn MacCoy
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5121 Kugler Mill Road
Cincinnati, Ohio   45236
PHONE: (513) 745-9808

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