Pietsch Banjo Company

Sean Moyses

 My name is Sean Moyses, I have been playing banjo since I was 11 years old and for the last ten years I`ve been depending on my banjo for my living. I´ve played among others with "the Pasadena Roof Orchestra" and was six years touring with " Bob Kerr`s Whoopee Band"  Since taking up the banjo I`ve played all top brands, Vega, Gibson, Bacon & Day etc. but I`ve never heard a banjo that sounded so good, played so well or looked so attractive as a "Pietsch".

These banjos are individually hand-made and represent the ultimate in precision and craftsmanship. These are not mass production instruments and care and taste goes into the finished product - an exceptional tone, volume and an effortless playing action makes my choice for a lasting investment a Pietsch Banjo.


Come and see me and my "Pietsch" Banjo at my performances, listen to my "Pietsch" Banjo " on C.D. visit my Website or call
Booking & Enquiries:
+49 0228 693665
+49 0228 4798962
+49 0172 2547887

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