I am a versatile banjo player performing both in Dixibands and
playing solo – what I like most, and what I think is most exciting! To cover all kinds of music styles I switch between plectrum-, guitar- and tenortuning.
Since last year I am proud to call a Pietsch Masterbell No 6 my own. This
is the first 11,5” tenorbanjo to be played in Germany. I´ve never had a banjo with both a sweet tone and mighty volume. This is exactly what I´ve always been searching for and what I need for my tenor repertoire ranging from Bach to Reser, from Reels to film themes.
Detailed information about my banjos, how I use the banjotunings (tenor-, plectrum-, guitartuning, depending which tune I play), how I learn
and introvert the music to play it by mind, and about my musical career and more will be find on my own website – which is under construction and to be continued hopefully soon (this is my purpose for 2007, anyway …).
My band is String Trio, we play Ragtime, Swing, Musical, Classik and Blues. From typical banjo- tunes (Reser, Mandell, Grimshaw, …) to exciting melodies (Bach, Faltermeyer, Yradier, …) which one hasn’t heard before played on banjo, guitar and tuba - a treat for the ears. String Trio´s native place is Husum, Nordfriesland, performing in places all over Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg and Danmark.
Our website www.stringtriosh.de will be newly built soon.
Please contact me for further information:
Christoph Cringle
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Fon: 0049 4841 / 74161